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Audio Technica Vm760slc Dual Mm Phono Cartridge

Heute 6 Online-Angebote

Audio Technica At Vm760slc Vm Bereich Mm Patrone Spezialleitung Kontaktstift
EAN13 4961310137595 MPN VM760SLC
Marke: Audio-technica
From <i>(by eBay)</i>From <i>(by eBay)</i>From <i>(by eBay)</i>From <i>(by eBay)</i>From <i>(by eBay)</i>From <i>(by eBay)</i>
The VM760SLC Moving Magnet Phono Cartridge from Audio Technica employs an ultra-lightweight stylus tip that has been ground to a high level to facilitate low distortion levels with a wide frequency reproduction. The magnets in this cartridge are arranged in V shape that replicates the structure of the original vinyl cutter head. The magnets are positioned in such a way as to correctly track the positions of the left and right channels in the stereo groove walls. Therefore, the VM design ensures outstanding channel separation, an extended frequency response and superb tracking ability. The Para-toroidal coils improve the generating efficiency and give great levels of linearity since any potential leakage of magnetic flux in this continuous and unitised magnetic circuit is kept low. The permeability of the cores has also been optimised through the use of laminated cores. A permalloy centre shield plate has also been included that is an effective separator of the left and right channels, suppressing electrical crosstalk to below 40dB. Having crosstalk of under 40dB is similar to the actual crosstalk value found in the grooves of the record. This cartridge is a top-end model that is constructed with a die-cast aluminium alloy housing. The body also reduces the unwanted vibration and enhances the sound quality of this high-performance line contact styli. The Special Line Contact with a diamond stylus is a premium stylus with the ability to track the most complex record groove.
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Preisentwicklung: EAN13: 4961310137595
Audio Technica Vm760slc Dual Mm Phono Cartridge
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